Go to your github.com/[username]
Repositories tab
Code Tab
(enter)See Green Code
Open up VS Code
, and cd [path]
), Documents
to cd into the Documents subfolder of your current path, or ..
to navigate up one folder, etc.)git clone [URL]
where URL is the path you copied from the Github Code dropdown above.digm5010
subfolder of this pathcd digm5010
to go into this repogit checkout -b gh-pages
to change to the gh-pages
branchgit branch
to show what branches we have (asterisk shows which one we are in)git push -u origin gh-pages
to tell our local gh-pages
branch to push to the remote (Github cloud) gh-pages
branchGreat, you now have a local copy of the repo. Now you can make changes and pull & push!
or create a new index.html
git status
will tell you what you have changed locallygit add [filenames]
to stage files for committinggit commit -m "[notes about why change was made]"
to commit the change, adding notes to remind my future self what I was thinking ofgit pull
to grab any changes anyone else might have made and resolve any merge conflicts if there aregit push
to upload this to the remote repository.git push -u origin gh-pages
if it complains about not knowing which branch to push to -- should only need to be done once.Micheal Palumbo's recommended links:
Git colours in terminal:
git config --global color.ui auto
git config --global color.branch auto
git config --global color.status auto